Happy Tree Friends Adventures Wiki
Goomba Y

Goombas are one of the major species of the series and are among Happy Tree Friends' most persistent foes. Since their first game appearance in Happy Tree Friends Adventures Game Boy, they have become one of the most iconic members of the Koopa Troop. Goombas resemble small, brown mushrooms and are a fungus-based species like Toads, Amanitas, Spooks, and Shroobs. Goombas are physically weak and are not much of a threat to the tree friends, since a single stomp usually defeats them, although a number of different Goomba sub-species have emerged throughout the years. The Goombas, as a collective race, used to be allied with the Happy Tree Kingdom. However, many of the Goombas have turned traitorous and joined the Koopa Troop, an organization led by Bowser. In many games, Goombas are the first enemy the player meets.

